Hello Friends,
How are you all keeping?
Wow! We are in a time like no other (in my lifetime anyway). Along with the collective issues of the day we are navigating our personal journeys on every level and in every way...physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
There's a few things I wanted to share. I had a dream some months back. In my personal life, many of you know or have heard my story of much loss and grief over some years. Currently, my mother is in a care facility.
I'll share my dream. "I was at a spiritual retreat site that I have frequented over the years in upstate NY in the Catskill mountains. While there, I turned a corner and my beloved Teacher was standing in front of me. She asked how I was doing. We talked. I let her know how happy I was to be there with her. I also told her my mom had a special cabin there at the retreat site and she was receiving hospice care. She had tears in her eyes that conveyed much but also that she was so happy my mother was resting in these sacred grounds. I had an opportunity to ask her a question. I didn't know what I was going to ask but what bubbled up from deep within was a question about struggling with grief over the years. She paused and looked up at the sky. Then she looked back at me and said, "Pray to increase the Light and decrease the details".
This message has stayed with me. It was a jewel. It stroked me from within. I have shared this with a few of my close friends and a few clients as well. I've received feedback how that seemingly simple message resonated so deeply for them and they have taken it to heart.
So, I wanted to offer it here for you.
The dream continued with a beautiful offering to a clear pond on the grounds that was for letting go. I took the hand of a dear friend of mine who appeared and has also gone through much...and we did an offering together. It was potent, deep and joyful.
This was a crystal clear lucid dream that was palpably felt...it was magical. It lit up a corner in my heart from within and soothed my soul. Remembrance of it does the same.
If you're struggling with loss, grief, fear, anxiety, chronic illness or any number of things that many of us face or are facing in our daily lives perhaps there's a little something here that you can take in as a seed of light, a ray of hope.
For those of you who are Medical Medium followers you have heard Anthony talk about "praying to the Angel of Light and naming her in order to be bathed in restorative angelic light given to her by God. If you're swimming in unproductive or troublesome thoughts, call upon the Angel of Light and envision her Light within your mind, within your soul, saturating your thoughts. You can also call upon the Angel of Light and imagine her bringing light into the air you breathe into your lungs".
Re-member the Light. We always have that choice.
The other morning after meditation I scribbled these words below.
We are all in this together...
Even with seemingly opposing views, strong beliefs, thoughts and approaches toward solving issues of our time...we are all in this together.
Knowing that, how can we rise higher in our own consciousness to meet the demands of the day? How can we listen and follow our innate wisdom and guidance and yet still retain an openness to understanding - an open hearted approach to our own bewilderment, knee jerk reactions and anger? We are always given opportunities and right now these opportunities are magnified!
Our planet is crying. Our mother earth is weeping. Our Mother Divine is waiting for her children to Wake Up!
Who is our Divine Mother? She is the compassion made manifest in our own hearts, the breath of our life, the breath of God, the gentle whisper in the Dark night of our Soul. The peace that passeth all understanding. She is a nurturer and a guide. She is the soul of our Soul.
She is we - are we listening xo
With much Love and Light,